Tuesday, February 23, 2010


CORRECT way to manage a seizure, i.e. DO:

  1. Try to prevent a fall, lay the person on the ground in a safe area, and clear the area of furniture and sharp objects so they don't injure themselves.
  2. Cushion the person's head and loosen any tight clothing, especially around their neck.
  3. Turn them on their side, and if they vomit, make sure it does not block their airway and is not inhaled into their lungs.
  4. Look for a medical ID bracelet with seizure instructions.
  5. Stay with them until they recover, or until professional medical help arrives.
  6. In the meantime, keep monitoring their vital signs: pulse and breathing.

There is also a WRONG way to manage a seizure, thus it is important that you:

  1. DO NOT restrain the person.
  2. DO NOT place anything between their teeth during the seizure (including your fingers).
  3. DO NOT move them unless they are in danger or near something hazardous.
  4. DO NOT try to stop them convulsing (they will not be aware of what is happening during the seizure).
  5. DO NOT give them anything by mouth until the convulsions have stopped and they are fully awake and alert.

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