Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Home Remedies for Prostate Disorders

Pumpkin seeds are extremely useful in treating prostate disorders. The
seeds of pumpkin act as a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids that
are vital to the health of the prostate.. Men suffering from prostate trouble must take
about 60-90 gm of pumpkin seeds daily. Pumpkin can be consumed in the
form of powder spread over the cooked food. You can also mix them with white flour
for making chapattis.

Zinc has been found beneficial in the treatment of prostate disorders.
Take about 30 milligrams of this mineral every day.

Vitamin E is beneficial for prostate health. The patient should be
given foods rich in vitamin E like wholegrain products, green leafy
vegetables, milk and sprouted seeds.

In 200 ml spinach juice, add 300 ml of carrot juice. You can even have
carrot juice separately. Vegetable juices are excellent in curing
prostate disorders.

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