Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kidney Infection Symptoms

Kidney Infections          
Kidney infections are most common in women and are usually bacterial in nature. A kidney infection is typically considered more serious than a bladder infection and symptoms of bladder infection are very similar to kidney infection symptoms. Kidney infection symptoms may include frequency of urination with burning, and pain in the low back. Fever is also a common symptom however not usually present at the start of the infection. A urine test to diagnose kidney infections will usually show blood, protein, and white blood cells in the urine. The urinary tract is divided into an upper and lower area due to the location of the primary organs, the bladder and the kidneys. It is common for a lower urinary bladder infection to move up the ureters and enter the kidneys causing a kidney infection if not treated.  
Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer is most common in older adults over forty. Men are twice as likely to get kidney cancer as women. The majority of kidney cancer tumors (85%) are primary meaning the cancer began in the kidneys. Usually a mass is noticed by the person, pain is experienced and blood is found on the urine test. Other kidney disease symptoms of cancer may include fever, swelling in the legs, nausea and weight loss. 

Kidney Stones Symptoms
The pain is located from just below the middle of the rib cage in the front, around to the back and deep in the abdomen as low as the pubic area. Pain can range from a constant dull pain to an excruciating sharp pain that fluctuates. Nausea and vomiting usually accompany severe pain. Other associated symptoms include fever, chills, blood noticed in the urine, swelling of the abdomen, pus in the urine, and a rare obstruction of urine output producing a bursting bladder symptom. A diagnosis is based on symptoms, urine tests, an ultrasound, or mostly commonly by X-ray. 90% of kidney stones can be passed and eliminated in the urine unless the stone is too large, surgery may be necessary.  

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