Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Good Diet

• Green vegetables: Spinach, zucchini, broccoli and brussels sprouts contain a caroteinoid called lutein and a pigment called zeaxanthinan. Both defend your cells from free radicals and help keep your eyes lustrous. Avoid overcooking for best benefits. Steam or sauté, instead.
• Orange and other vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and fibre work against under-eye puffiness.

• Probiotic yoghurt: It contains good bacteria that help your skin look healthy. Eczema sufferers can benefit a great deal from a daily intake.
• Fish: Oily fish such as sardines and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids that reduce skin inflammation and keep it moisturised. They also promote elasticity, keeping wrinkles at bay.
• Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, etc., contain antioxidant phytonutrients that get rid of free radicals in the blood and guard your collagen, thereby boosting skin repair. Collagen makes your skin supple, smooth and plump.

• Have chicken, turkey, pork, milk, cheese, yeast, peanuts, beans, wholegrain cereals to avoid brittle nails. Pumpkin seeds are one of the most concentrated non-meat sources of zinc. But many vegetarian foods also contain phytic acid that binds with zinc, making it unavailable to the body. Hence, take a Vitamin C supplement. It will make zinc more available.

• Poultry: Lean meats like chicken and turkey provide high quality proteins, essential for growth, repair and maintenance. Low-fat milk products such as skimmed milk, yogurt and cottage cheese are great sources too. If you like eggs and don’t suffer from high cholesterol, have one yolk a day. It contains Vitamin B-12 which promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.
• Salmon: It contains omega-3 fatty acids, B12 and iron.
• Flaxseeds: What salmon does for non-vegetarians, flax seed does for vegans.
• Oysters: Try oysters for faster hair growth. They contain zinc.
• Whole wheat and brown rice: Make sure you include whole wheat, brown rice and fortified cereals in your everyday diet.

Home Remedies for Obesity

On an empty stomach in the morning, drink 1 glass of warm water mixed
with juice of half a lime and 1 tsp honey.

In 1 cup of water, add 3 tsp of lime juice, 1/2 tsp pepper powder and
some honey. Drink this everyday for=2 0about 3-4 months.

As a substitute of breakfast, consume 2 ripe tomatoes in the morning.
This remedy will aid in reducing your weight at a faster rate.

10 Tips to Quit Smoking Naturally

(1) Think in a positive manner. This is not an unattainable goal.

(2) Don’t give up when you have a bad day or backslide. You can still quit!

(3) Make a list of the reasons that you want to quit smoking. Post copies of this list everywhere you spend time. Put the list at various places in your home, at work, in your car and carry one with you.

(4) Replace your cigarette break with an orange juice break, or to smoke only those you really want. Don’t just light that cigarette out of habit.

(5) You may experience some withdrawal symptoms when you are trying to quit smoking. Be prepared and have a game plan. Online Cigarette

(6) If you become irritable be ready with some ideas that may make you less irritable. Consider meditation, yoga or a dance or exercise class.

(7) Carry hard candy or gum with you. These things can help if your mouth becomes dry.

(8) Form a support group or join one that is already in existence. A group of people who are also trying to quit smoking can be very supportive and you will be able to share tips.

(9) Celebrate each milestone. Treat yourself to a movie, a night out with friends or a walk in the park.

(10) Start noticing the benefits of a smokeless life. It won’t be long before you are breathing easier and thinking more clearly. Your clothing, home and car will no longer smell like smoke. You will be much more pleasant to kiss.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Home Remedies for Menopausal Disorder

When a woman experiences menopause, she should take a daily supplement
consisting of 500 mg magnesium and 2 gm of calcium.

Carrot seeds are of great value in case of menopause. In 1 glass of
cow's milk, put a tsp of carrot seeds and boil for about 10 minutes or
so. Consume it every day as a medicine.

Liquorices serve as an effective remedy for menopause, as it contains
the natural female hormone, estrogen. Thus, it helps in making up for
the lost hormones.

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

A real effective home remedy for high blood pressure is to take 1 tsp
honey, 1 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp cumin powder and mix them well.
Have this mixture at least two times in a day.

As a part of high bp home remedy treatment, it's good to try out the
idea of consuming coriander or fenu greek leaves mixed in 1 cup of

Take about 25-30 curry leaves and make a juice, using 1-cup water. You
can even add on lime juice to it for making it tastier. Strain and
drink it in the morning.

Nutritional Information About Baby Food

We all know baby food is a natural transition in every baby’s life by about six months of age. It is really nutritious for your baby though, and do you know what goes into it?

You wouldn’t put strange food into your body and for that same reason you want to make sure you know what is in the food you are giving to your baby before you give it to them.

You’re Infants Needs
The nutritional needs of your infant are not the same as the nutritional needs that you have or that your spouse has. They need certain fats and only small amounts of the fiber, proteins and sugars that adults need. You should never apply your diet to your baby.

Jarred Food vs. Home Made Food
Jarred food is in many cases just as good for your baby as homemade food assuming the home made food is carefully prepared using clean work areas and kitchen tools. You want to make sure that you do not expose your baby to any harmful bacteria from your last meal that might be growing on the counter. When prepared carefully and made correctly either food is healthy for your baby to eat.

Water is occasionally added to baby food in an effort to thin it out and get it to the proper consistence for your baby’s growth and development. When your baby first starts on baby food it would be very hard for him to swallow peas that have been simply chewed up, so baby food companies add water to make the food the right texture. If you are making your own baby food at home you can substitute breast milk or formula for the water.

Some people may not realize, but many baby foods contain starches which are easily digestible carbohydrates which are actually good for your baby. The Food and Drug Administration has stated that starches are ok to put in baby food but specifies that companies must put it on the label.

Why does your baby need texture in his food you might wonder? The texture on your baby’s tongue helps to teach them about shapes and sizes when it comes to food that goes in their mouth. Learning about textures when young, helps a baby as they become a toddler and begin to eat table food. It is important for them to learn to swallow chunky foods because no one can puree food with their teeth, even your toddler who thinks he can do EVERYTHING.

Organic vs. The Original
Is there really a difference and is it important which one you feed your baby? In the big world probably not, but if you and your family is into organic foods then you may want to follow along the same with your baby. Organic foods are free of the pesticides and preservatives that some of the original jarred baby food may have been made with or treated with while the food was growing whether it is vegetables or chicken from the range.

It is important for you to be concerned about your baby’s nutritional well being. After all, what you feed your child now will help shape the type of eater they grow up to be. If you have questions about what you should be feeding your baby or your baby’s developmental progress be sure to ask your pediatrician at your baby’s next well-check.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol

In 1 glass of water, add 2 tbsps of coriander seeds and bring to a
boil. Let the decoction cool for some time and then strain. Drink this
mixture two times in a

Sunflower seeds are extremely beneficial, as they contain linoleic
acid that helps in reducing the cholesterol deposits on the walls of
arteries. You just
need to modify your cooking style a bit and substitute sunflower seeds
for solid fats such as butter and cream.

Incorporate loads of fiber in your meals, as fiber helps a great=2
0deal in lowering
the cholesterol pressure in blood.

Home Remedies for Herpes

Take a few ice cubes and rub them on the cold sore affected area for a
few minutes.

Take a warm tea bag and apply it on the fever blisters for about half an hour.

Lemon balm extract is considered valuable in healing Herpes infection.

Consume foods rich in vitamins. Zinc and iron are also vital. Eat
plenty of fruits and green veggies

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Answer the phone by LEFT ear.
Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
Do not take pills with COOL water.
Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.
Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.
Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night.
Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS.
Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.
Best sleeping time is from 10PM at night to 6AM in the morning.
Do not lie down immediately after taking MEDICINE before sleeping.
When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times.

Home Remedies for Heartburn

Ginger serves as an effective home remedy for heartburn. Grind fresh
ginger and prepare ginger tea.. You can even add ginger to foods.

Increase your fiber intake, as it aids in the absorption of excess
acid and gas. It helps in flushing out the toxins from your body.

Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses everyday.

Home Remedies for Headache

Eat an apple with a little salt on an empty stomach everyday and see its
wonderful effects.

When headache is caused by cold winds, cinnamon works best in curing
headache. Make a paste of cinnamon by mixing in water and apply it all
over your forehead

Friday, July 9, 2010

Home Remedies for Hangover

Drink plenty of water before going to bed as well as when you wake up in the

Eating some foodstuff while and after you are drinking will slow down
the rate at which alcohol enters the blood, thereby reducing the

Consume vitamin C tablets, as they lead to the breakdown of alcohol content in
the body.

Home Remedies for Hair Loss

One of the best home remedies for treating hair loss is to massage
your scalp with fingers gently. It will also aid in increasing blood
circulation and lend
glow to your hair.

Amla oil serves as an excellent tonic for hair conditioning. Apply
this oil on the scalp and see the wonderful results.. OR for nourishing
your hair, apply
coconut milk all over your scalp and massage it into the hair roots.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Home Remedies for Gingivitis

Take some clove oil and rub it on your gums. Or else, keep a clove in your mouth
and chew slowly.

Brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains sage oil, peppermint oil etc..

In 1 glass of lukewarm water, add a pinch of salt and prepare a
homemade saline solution. Using this solution, gargle two times in a
day. It will help a great
deal in reducing the swelling in your mouth.

To heal the gum swelling, use an anti bacterial mouth wash.

Patients suffering from Gingivitis should consume foods containing low
saturated fats.

Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Extract juice from onion slices and add salt to it. Apply this juice on the
wart-affected area and see the magical effects.

Another great idea is to apply the milky juice of figs on the warts
2-3 times in a day, till the warts disappear.

Put few drops of apple cider vinegar on the warts using cotton ball.

Consume foods rich in folic acid and beta-carotene. Eat plenty of
green leafy veggies